Saturday, August 29, 2009

Compassionate Conservative?

Compassionate Conservative an oxymoron if I ever heard one so how the hell did they come up with this title? Well it was a campaign slogan for George W Bush mad up by his brain Karl Rove you gotta hand it to him it was brilliant even though it was a complete fairy tale there is no such thing, do you think at least some of the Evangelicals have figured that out by now? Somehow I doubt it and I think we all know why, because these people still watch Cluster Fox for their news and for their moral compass, what a tragedy for these Americans because they have no idea what crimes have been committed in their name and what lies they've been told.
It breaks my liberal heart to see what is going on in my country today, hate, racism and a total lack of respect for our Democratic process. These protesters have no idea they are being bought and sold by the Insurance Lobbyist and the heartless Republican Leadership whose only agenda is to take down the President of The United States of America, our President who was voted into office by an overwhelming majority on the very promise of health care for all and to bring our Nation together for the greater good.
I usually don't buy into the stereotypical, painting one group of people with one brush but seeing these Neoconservatives at work I have to say they have no love in their hearts for those of us that have less or a need for just a little more help than others. The proof is just too overwhelming and it makes me sad.
Our President is trying to do a good thing for America, to make sure no one ever goes without health care, to make sure no one is ever turned down again for pre-existing conditions and that no other families will go Bankrupt because of lack of health care. It's not for him he has good health care and so does Congress. The very people trying to stop health care are the ones who has never had to go without it their whole lives, is that fair?
The hatred and the hateful words going on now at these Town hall meetings is growing closer and closer to violence and it is frightening to think how this all could end. Let us put an end to it now. I call on our Republican Leaders to step up to the plate and condemn these actions and call on your constituents to tone down their retoric and get back to respecting one another and their Goverment once again.


  1. Well said!

    I totally agree... I was terrified during the Bush reign, and I thought I'd feel better with Obama in office.. but these wing-nuts are just ridiculous and scary!! And the really sad part is a lot of the people protesting the public option are on medicare. I mean, if that doesn't point out their total ignorance, I don't know what does.

    I struggle with the whole idea of painting the entire party in a negative light. On the one hand, I try to be open to everyone's ideas - conservative or liberal or whatever.. but I think I'm getting to the point where I just have to call them out on their bullshit, because these manipulative ultra-conservatives are hurting Americans.. and it's just not fair!

    Anyway, keep fighting the good fight :)


  2. Well, surely they knew it was a somewhat contradictory term otherwise they wouldn't have felt the need to add it.

  3. Love the blog. My radical political worldview agrees very much with yours but I will take it one step further and say that Obama AT LEAST needs to consider single-payer. They were not invited to the table at negotiations, and he promised during the campaign that it would be considered. I had health insurance for the past 15 years (my working career), and recently had a car accident WITHOUT bills are now $500,000. I am someone who will be bankrupt for health care bills, and I HOPE that single-payer is an option at some point. At least this current plan is a step in the right direction.

  4. Great blog - let's hope we can get through this Stupak mess and get real reform. Come on by my blog when you get a chance...I think you'll enjoy our similar viewpoints!

  5. Well said. I'm often amazed at how people can say one thing while they do another and not even bat an eye.
